Well, here it is the second day of school and I am worn out. The kids are taking a nap right now so I am taking advantage of the quiet to sit and rest. So far, our school days have been great. We were concerned about lots of crying since we have some new students this year, but for the most part, there have been very few tears.
I was telling my teaching partner yesterday how I am always drawn to jobs which involve children. My very first job was in the nursery at my church. I worked there until I graduated from high school. At that time, I swore I would never work with children again. Especially after I spent one day at a different day care with eleven 18 month olds by myself.
And I didn't until after college when I served as a summer missionary at a children's camp. It wasn't really a job, but it was definitely hard work. I loved it. It had to do with children, but I loved the children and I loved the work. I even went back and worked another summer a few years later.
After I returned from Alabama the first time, I worked at the Disney Store. It was a lot of fun. I was able to interact with children and play with them. Again I loved it and again I swore I would never work with children.
And then I took the job at the library. My position wasn't directly related to children, but I was often times called upon to cover the youth desk or do a storytime. I loved it, but I still held to my position. I was never going to work with children again. After I quit that job, worked another summer at camp and moved to Alabama, I was once again in a position where I needed employment.
I became a photographer for Sears in Mobile,AL. Most of my subjects were children and most of the time I enjoyed the work. And apparently I was good at it too. When I was forced to move back to Texas, I transferred to the Sears in Amarillo. I can't say I loved this job, but there were days when I reveled in the privilege of capturing precious moments for loving parents.
The photographer stint was only a seasonal job so at the end of December I was again in need of money. I was also slightly depressed at this time. My mother, being the wise woman that she is, knew I would feel better about myself if I had a job and suggested I do some subbing at the school she worked at. I was not really thrilled at this idea because, well, it had to do with children. But because I knew I needed to get out of the house and make some money, I did it. And I loved it.
So here I am. A teaching assistant in the preschool at the same school. And guess what? I love it. My first degree in college was in English. When I would tell people this, they always asked if I was planning on teaching. I always answered with an emphatic NO. Maybe they knew something I didn't. I have no plans of going back to school to become a teacher, but I think I will work with children for a long time.
I made the comment to my teaching partner yesterday that sometimes I feel like God brings me back to children to torture me. I don't really believe God would do that, but there are some days when I am with these little angels and my heart breaks. I am so ready to be a mother and I am still unwed. But there is a reason for that. I just have to learn to be patient with God's timing. It is perfect. He has a plan for my life and I hope it includes children.
Maybe He keeps bringing me back because there is so much to be learned from children. Maybe He wants to show me something. My prayer is I am receptive to His lessons and that I am not too blinded by my desires. So until the school bell rings again on Monday...thanks for reading.
(If you are wondering, that is a picture of me at about the age of my students. Wasn't I cute?)