Sunday, October 14, 2007

A conversation and Texas

In a recent post, I mentioned I was thinking about going home. I have been praying about it ever since. God answered that pray in an unusual manner. Let me regale you with the tale.

Friday night, I was sitting in the Island watching a movie. (If you are a regular reader, you may notice: I watch alot of movies.) I was also online but couldn't find anyone to talk to. The movie was almost over when I suddenly became soul-crushingly lonely. This confused me because it was so strong and sudden. I had had a good day because I had seen friends that day and had felt fine all day.

After a few minutes of being confused, I decided as soon as the movie was over I would go outside. The evenings are beautiful here and sometimes I go sit on a bench that is outside my door. I decided this was a good idea because there was a group here and if I didn't talk to any of them, at least I would see other human beings.

When the movie ended, I decided to also take out my trash. I walked outside and was attacked by Whisper, the camp dog. She was going nuts and wanted my attention. While walking back from the Dumpster, a man came out of the office and asked if she was my dog. I told him that she was the camp dog.

To make a long story short, we started a conversation. In the midst of this conversation, he said something totally out of the blue. He was kind of jumping around and I knew he was trying to make a point. Finally he stopped and said, "Ginger, what I am trying to say is don't go home." Those were his exact words. I had not told him about wanting to go home. I feel certain he was sent by God to give me this message.

Now that I know I am not supposed to go home, I would like to take a little time to miss all the things that make me want to go home. I miss brisket made the way my momma makes it. I miss sunsets. I miss the wind, yes, really I do. I miss my dog and my cat. I miss knowing where the closest Sonic is. I miss being able to see more than 10 feet in front of me. I miss 2nd Sundays at Wendy's. I miss real Mexican food. I miss Palo Duro Canyon. I miss Taco Bueno. I miss Wal-Marts that give you an extra 3 cents off gas when you use a gift card. I miss crazy family gatherings. I miss Texas barbeque. I miss having a kitchen and cooking for people. I miss being hugged everyday.

Ok, now it's out of my system. I will always miss Texas and as I tell anyone who will listen, I will be Texan till the day I die. I would also like to let everyone who doesn't already know; I got a job! I begin training at the Sears Portrait Studio tomorrow. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Okay, This one was a real tear jerker.

Anonymous said...

We all missed you at 2nd Sunday too. Good luck with this new job.