Saturday, November 24, 2007

Home again, home again...

Well, I made it home. The trip was pretty uneventful.

I did have lots of time to think and ponder. I kept being reminded of the movie, Elisabethtown. There were three points of major significance. The first was in Laurel, MS. It was the first place I had to change highways. The change was successful, but as I started down the new highway I realized I really was on my way home. There were people I didn’t get to say goodbye to. Alex, Jake, Jonathan and Kayla are just a few of the many people I was unable to say goodbye to. This realization hit me pretty hard and I started to cry. I didn’t cry long because I was driving and I needed to see the road.

The second major point was when I crossed the Mississippi River. It dawned on me that every life changing moment I have ever had has happened on “the other side of the river.” When I served as a summer missionary in Memphis, TN. When I quit my full-time job to spend ten weeks with my uncle in Greenville, SC. When I served as a missionary and later moved to Citronelle, AL. I could almost hear the book cover slam as it closed on this chapter in my life. Again, I cried.

Not long after this, a friend called me to check on my progress. I was feeling a little down because I was on my way home. He told me to look at the scenery I was driving though. At the time, I was driving through beautiful trees dressed in their fall gowns. It was gorgeous and I was missing it because I was pouting. He also told me I needed to work on my attitude. He was absolutely right.

The third major point was when I crossed the Texas state line. No, I didn’t cry this time. I actually whooped and hollered because I was so happy to be back in my state. I stopped shortly after this to fill up my car. When I got out of the car, I could smell Texas. I don’t know what Texas smells like, but I would recognize it anywhere.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. The only bad thing I can think of is when traffic came to a stand still 50 miles outside of Dallas. This wouldn’t have been a problem usually but my right knee and my left hip were injured last Saturday. Because I had to keep constant pressure on the brake, I was in agony by the time traffic started moving again. When I finally reached my cousin's house, I was barely able to get out of the car because I was so stiff.

I am relieved to finally be home, but it was cold and windy. It actually snowed yesterday. I miss Alabama. My heart aches for the people and the woods. This confuses my Texan heart. Texas should be the only state a Texan heart longs for, but I really do love Alabama.

Thank you to all of you who offered advice and places to live while I was trying to sort out what to do. Many of you offered me couches and bedrooms. I am grateful to know there are still a few who care about me.

Now, I am sitting at Hastings drinking a venti decaf caramel macchiato. They have wireless here so this is where I come to do homework and check my email. It is nice to have a place to get out of the house and get connected. So I am going to end this post so I can go do homework. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Chris said...


I'm a displaced Alabamian living in Texas, so I can totally relate. Same thing about "over the river", 'cept it's on the western bank for me. Going home is always great... just enjoy the time and use it to refresh before returning to the daily grind of your Alabamian life!
