This is my lament.
I had to do one of the hardest things I have ever done. I had to write a letter. It wasn't the writing that was hard, but the content of the letter broke my heart as, I am sure, it will break the heart of a very dear friend. I feel it was the right thing to do. I believe it is what God has been asking me to do for sometime now. I was just too selfish to obey.
With the help and prayers of a good friend I was finally able to accept the truth. He did not suggest I write the letter, but he encouraged me to pray. Through prayer, I wrote a letter. A letter I wish with all my heart never had to be written.
So it was with a broken heart and tender soul I went to work today. I subbed for a second grade class and one of the girls had a doctor's appointment. When she came back, she brought me a beautiful branch full of cherry blossoms (pictured above) and an almond chocolate bar. Her father told me she wanted to bring me gifts because she loves me. If I had not been in school, I may well have just burst into tears.
God knew I was going to need reassurance today. He used a beautiful young lady, His magnificent creation and His gift of sweets to brighten my dreary day. My heart sang with praise as she handed me her gifts. The flowers sat on the desk all day for all to see and to serve as a reminder to me that God is sovereign. He knows the plans He has for me, plans to benefit and not for evil. (Paraphrased from Jeremiah 29:11)
I cling to this promise today. There is a man out there who God has shaped especially for me. When the time is right, we will meet, fall in love and spend the rest of our lives together.
So today I am praising God in this storm as the Casting Crowns song says.
I pray both of us will find the peace that passes all understanding. The peace which doesn't make sense when the storms of life are battering us and all seems hopeless. I pray broken relationships are mended, cold loves rekindled and hearts restored.
I also ask for prayer for myself. A close friend told me God intends this to make me better, not bitter. I am not bitter, but I have a tendency to do so. My greatest desire is to glorify God. Thanks for reading.
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